Herbal Supplement FAQ’s

How do I know if this supplement is supporting my horse?

Herbal supplements should be fed for several weeks to know if they are supporting the health of your horse.


What if my horse won’t eat the supplements?

Powdered herbs should be mixed with a small amount of water in your feed. If your animal does not readily accept an herbal supplement, it may not be the best blend for your horse and you may need to consider another combination. Contact us for product adaptations. However, some horses will not eat herbs under any circumstances.


Are herbs safe to use with pregnant mares?

That depends on the herb. Some herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy because they have the potential to cause uterine contractions or may alter hormones that result in a risk to the pregnancy. Some common herbs contraindicated in pregnancy include: Chaste Berry, Black Cohosh, Burdock, Chamomile, Comfrey, Fenugreek, Goldenseal, Lavender, Parsley fruit, Red Clover, Sage, Thyme, Turmeric, Wormwood tops and leaves, and Yarrow. Please contact us if you need a product adaptation for pregnant mares.


I compete in an equine sport that requires testing. Since herbs are natural can I use them in competition?

Some herbs are prohibited in competition and may cause a positive drug test. In some associations, Salicylic acid is illegal in competition. Herbs such as Willow Bark and Meadowsweet contain salicylates. Other associations forbid the use of ingredients that might affect the performance of a horse such as stimulants, depressants, or substances that might interfere with drug testing procedures. Peppermint oil, for example, is often considered a masking agent for illegal substances. If a horse licks a leg that has been rubbed with a product containing menthol or peppermint oil, it may test positive for ingesting an illegal substance. Therefore, it is important to understand any testing requirements for your competitive event.


I am not sure which of these blends will be best for my horse. Can you make a custom blend?

Yes. As mentioned in some of the other questions, some horses have unique circumstances requiring a different combination of herbs. Please contact us if you need a unique blend.