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Immunity and Detox

A quick glance at magazine covers this time of year will reveal a variety of suggestions for detox and immunity boosting strategies, which makes sense if you overindulged in too many holiday treats and beverages. I know that lately I am not feeling nearly as motivated to get up early to go to the gym, and by mid-afternoon I feel like I need a nap. This is also the time of year that you will see your Facebook feed filled with friends complaining of a variety of ailments ranging from sore throats to vomiting and body aches.

We know that we need to remove toxins to avoid feeling sluggish, bloated, and ill, but what do you do for your equine athlete?  Like us, our horses continue to age and are exposed to stress, environmental toxins, and poor diet.

We are all protected from invading pathogens by a complex immune system. I recently read a great description of this system by Ian Tizard, who compared it to a totalitarian state. It actually reminded me of how our blue heeler Allie handles visitors. Most days, she can be compared to a functioning immune system with our property representing a healthy body. She continually patrols the perimeter for invaders. She considers deer, turkey, UPS drivers, and butterflies as pathogens (also known as antigens). After raising an alarm with an ear-piercing bark, she quickly expels them from the system. Allie tolerates the cat, but if she deviates from her usual spot on the porch and runs through the yard, the cat may get run up a tree and kicked out of the system. Allie greets us with excitement as we represent food and love, which is like a healthy immune system that permits free access of nutrition and oxygen. A few years ago, however, we came home to discover firefighters in our yard cleaning up after a wildfire. Allie was barking at them with her hackles up, and my husband asked if she had been bothering them. Their reply, “No. She was laying on the porch and didn’t move until you drove up the driveway.” In this case, I could carry this analogy out a little further to say the smoke and toxins weakened our immune system (Allie) and she let pathogens in without a fight.  

According to Tizard, a healthy immune system includes four components: a method for trapping and processing antigens; a system for reacting to a specific antigen; cells to produce antibodies or to participate in a cell-mediated immune response; and cells to keep a memory of the event to react to the antigen in future encounters.

Certain herbs have historically been used to remove pathogens, to restore the normal function of an affected organ, and to improve overall immunity. These types of herbs can be divided into categories that include: 

 *The Anti’s (antimicrobials, antiseptic, anti-protozoal, anti-fungal). These herbs fight harmful bacteria, fungus and protozoa. Our Antipodian tincture contains many of these types of herbs.

*Alteratives, depuratives, and detoxes. Rather than directly targeting specific pathogens like the first category, these herbs support and restore the function of an affected organ such as the kidneys or liver. These herbs also help to remove toxins and improve overall immunity. Examples include Dandelion, Burdock, Garlic, Thyme, Cleavers, Licorice, Oregon Grape Root, and Echinacea. 

*Adaptogens. These herbs help the body adapt to stress and exert a normalizing effect on bodily processes. Examples include Licorice, Siberian Ginseng, and Sarsaparilla.

*Immune enhancers, immune stimulants, and immune modulators. These herbs boost the immune system. They can also modify an immune response or stimulate increased activity within the system. Examples include Echinacea, Astragalus, and Pau d’arco.

On a seasonal basis I use X-Ponent, which contains Echinacea, Oregon Grape Root, Astragalus, and Licorice.  I use this blend for approximately 10 days in January, April, July, and October, and when I have had a horse exposed to a lot of stress and travel. In the case of stress, I may use the blend for a longer period of time. Signs that a horse could benefit from a detox and immunity boost may include poor hair coat, lethargy, behavioral changes, frequent illness, and inflammation and pain.

There have also been times when my horse has required antibiotics. Following a course of antibiotic treatment, I use our K2 formula for kidney and immune support to detox and help get their system back in order. This blend contains Dandelion Root, Astragalus Root, Marshmallow Root, Parsley, Ginger Root and Licorice Root.

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